WAEC Withheld Results Released (May/June 2018) | Check
WAEC withheld results released. Many candidates have been asking when WAEC will release held results of the 2018 May/June WASSCE. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Nigeria has released the result of 2018 May/June SSCE and many candidates at the moment cannot some results because they are being held.
BREAKING: For candidates that sat the WASSCE for School Candidates, 2018 and whose results were withheld, the results of those exonerated have been released while that of those found guilty have been cancelled. You can check your results now. @IamKingDemian
— WAEC NIGERIA (@waecnigeria) October 23, 2018
Click here to check your WAEC result online again.
ALSO SEE: Outcome of NEC Meeting: WAEC To Cancel Results of Culpable Candidates
We have explained in this post what it means when you see held in your result. Also, we explained what you should do if you encounter error in checking WAEC result. What’s now your fate is you see held in your WAEC result? Is WAEC ever going to release these held results?
When Will WAEC Release Held Results For May/June 2018?
According to a post on the official Twitter handle of the West African Examination Council (WAEC), held WAEC results will be released after only after the NEC (Nigeria Examinations Committee) meet in November, 2018.
After the meeting, candidates found guilty will get their results held permanently and those who are exonerated will have their results released. The full tweet is embedded below:
The NEC meeting earlier scheduled for Nov 6-8, 2018 to decide on malpractice cases arising from the conduct of the WASSCE SC, 2018 has been rescheduled for Oct 8-10, 2018 to enable WAEC release results of candidates withheld for exam malpractice but who may be exonerated by the NEC.
The tweet which announced it is as follows:
The NEC meeting earlier scheduled for Nov 6-8,2018 to decide on malpractice cases arising from the conduct of the WASSCE SC, 2018 has been rescheduled for Oct 8-10,2018 to enable WAEC release results of candidates withheld for exam malpractice but who may be exonerated by the NEC
— WAEC NIGERIA (@waecnigeria) August 30, 2018
‘Held’ means that a malpractice report was filed against you either from the Examination Hall or from the Marking Venue. The NEC (Nigeria Examinations Committee) will meet in November,2018 to decide if you’re culpable or not & then release or cancel the result as the case may be. https://t.co/Ppr3LE7XIv
— Demianus Ojijeogu (@IamKingDemian) July 6, 2018
If you have not checked your WAEC result, click here:- WAEC Result Checker.
We wish you all the best!!!
has waec released the held results
You may want to read this post:- Malpractice: NEC Asks WAEC To Cancel Results of Culpable Candidates