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West Africa market research internship 2014

Full Time 6 Week West Africa Market Research Internship, Emarket, London (£6.50 per hour)

The full time 6 Week West Africa Market Research Internship, Emarket, London (£6.50 per hour)has been annouced and now open for applications from Graduates of Nigeria/Ghana/South Africa or Graduates with a Nigerian/Ghanaian/South African background,  with a demonstrated in depth knowledge of the market.

Emarket Ltd are looking to recruit an intern for a 6 week full time market research project to start immediately. Focusing on Nigeria and Ghana, and perhaps South Africa, the successful candidate should have an international outlook, a business brain, and strong research and communication skills.

Location:    United Kingdom

Position:    Market Research

Salary:    £6.50 per hour

Length of placement: Full time 6 weeks.

Job Description

* Follow up leads and develop relationships with existing contacts in Nigeria and Ghana

* Arrange meetings for an upcoming market visit to the region

* Research new contacts, retailers, wholesalers and distributors in line with specifications set out by management

Eligibility & Requirements

*A recent graduate or postgraduate with immediate availability

* From Nigeria/Ghana/South Africa or with a Nigerian/Ghanaian/South African background, or with a demonstrated in depth knowledge of the markets

* Fluency in English. Any Nigerian/Ghanaian/South African local languages are a bonus

* Business degree preferred

* Excellent verbal and written communication skills

* Top quality research skills

* An analytical brain

* Computer literate

* Ability to work independently


How to Apply:

Interested applicants should Send their  CV to :katerina@emarket.com
and Visit the Official Webpage of the West Africa Market Research Internship here for more information and details

Deadline: 20th October,2014

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