UNIZIK Part-Time (CEP) Entrance Exam Results 2018/2019 Out
UNIZIK part-time entrance exam result 2018/2019 is out. In other words, the results of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK) Part-time degree (CEP) entrance examinations for 2018/2019 academic session have been released.
Furthermore, the UNIZIK part-time results have been uploaded to the result-checker of the school. Hence, all applicants who also too part in the 2018/2019 UNIZIK part-time entrance exam can now check their results.
How To Check UNIZIK Part-Time Entrance Exam Results 2018/2019
Since the results have been uploaded to the school’s part-time portal, applicants can therefore check their result as follows.
- First of all, go to UNIZIK screening result portal at http://nauportal.com/UnizikScreeningV2/login#
- Enter your username and password in the required spaces.
- Finally, click on ‘Sign-in’ to access your result.
That’s how to check the results of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK) Computer Based Test for candidates seeking admission into the Continuing Education Programme (CEP).