UNIMED Pre-Degree Students Registration Procedure for 2018/2019
The University of Medical Sciences, UNIMED pre-degree students registration procedure for the 2018/2019 academic session is out.
Following the release of UNIMED pre-degree admission list, all candidates admitted for the 2018/2019 academic session should note that they can now proceed with registration.
UNIMED Pre-degree Registration Procedure for New Students for 2018/2019 Academic Session
- Check your UNIMED Pre-Degree Admission status to know your admission status and Accept It
- Click on Acceptance Fee Payment under admission to make payment for Acceptance Fee online and print evidence of payment or Generate Payment Invoice to pay through commercial banks via e-tranzact platform. Visit the portal thereafter to Confirm your Payment by carefully entering your Payment Confirmation No if payment was made through commercial banks.
- Visit Directorate of CCE, UNIMED Building, Adeyemi College, Ondo with O’level result, Acceptance fee e-payment receipt, 2 Recent Passport photograph, Birth Certificate, State of Origin and Attestation letter.
- Proceed to Pay School Fees using any of the available payment options
- Log in to PDSP Portal to Register your courses
- Print 3 copies of course registration form and sign with Course tutors
- Sign and Submit Completed Forms at the Office of Director, CCE
All Pre-Degree Students are hereby informed that lectures will commence on Monday, 10th December, 2018 at Prof. Eniola Ajayi’s Hall, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), Ondo.
Ensure that all fees (Acceptance and School Fees) are completed before the above date.