UNILORIN Recruitment 2014: Massive Academic Staff Vacancies
UNILORIN recruitment (2014) for academic staff vacancies is currently ongoing. University of Ilorin, Kwara State is currently accepting applications for their academic staff recruitment (2014) in the listed Faculties and Departments in the University from interested and equally qualified candidates. This is a massive recruitment for academic staffs, with over 148 positions to fill.
2014 UNILORIN Recruitment for Academic Staff Vacant Job Positions
University of Ilorin invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant job positions in the Institution:
Academic Staff
- Professor
- Reader
A. Faculty of Agriculture
- Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
- Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- Department of Animal Production
- Department of Agronomy
- Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Department of Crop Protection
- Department of Home Economics and Food Science
- Department of Horticulture
B. Faculty of Arts
- Department of Arabic
- Department of English
- Department of French
- Department of History and International Studies Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages (Yoruba and Linguistics) Department of Performing Arts
- Department of Religions(Christian Studies, Comparative Religious Studies, and Islamic Studies)
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
- Department of Anatomy
- Department of Chemical Pathology & Immunology
- Department of Haematology
- Department of Medical Laboratory Science
- Department of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Department of Physiotherapy
- Department of Radiography
Faculty of Clinical Sciences
- Department of Anaesthesia
- Department of Behavioural Sciences
- Department of Epidemiology & Community Health
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Department of Opthalmology
- Department of Orthorhinolaryngology
- Department of Paediatric and Child Health
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Nursing Sciences
Faculty of Communication & Information Sciences
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Information & Communication Sciences
- Department of Library and Information Sciences
- Department of Mass Communication
- Department of Telecommunication Science
Faculty of Education
- Department of Arts Education (Arabic, French, Yoruba,
- Christian Studies, Islamic Studies)
- Department of Adult and Primary Education
- Department of Counsellor Education
- Department of Educational Management
- Department of Educational Technology
- Department of Health Promotion and Environmental
- Health education
- Department of Social Sciences Education
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
- Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Metallurgical and Material Engineering
- Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Quantity Surveying
- Department of Estate Management
- Department of Urban and Regional Planning
- Department of Surveying & Geo-informatics
Faculty of Law
- Department of Business Law
- Department of Islamic Law
- Department of Jurisprudence and International Law Department of Private and Property Law
- Department of Public Law
Faculty of Life Science
- Department of Biochemistry
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Plant Biology
- Department of Zoology
Faculty of Management Sciences
- Department of Accounting
- Department of Business Administration
- Department of Finance
- Department of Marketing
- Department of Public administration
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice.
- Department of Pharmaceutical & Medical Chemistry
- Department of Pharmaceutical & Microbiology and Biochemistry
- Department of Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy
- Department of Pharmacognosy& Drug Development
- Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Physical Sciences
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Geology and Mineral Sciences
- Department of Geophysics
- Department of Industrial Chemistry
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Statistics
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- Department of Geography and Environment Management
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Social Work
- Department of Sociology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Department of Veterinary Microbiology
- Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry
- Department of Veterinary Public Health & Preventive Medicine
- Deputy University Librarian
Centre For Peace and Strategic Studies (CPSS)
Note that computer literacy is compulsory and the NYSC discharge certificate/certificate of exemption is mandatory.
Qualifications and Experience Required For The Vacant Positions.
Computer literacy is required for all positions advertised for the UNILOIN 2014 Recruitment.
Professor (CONUASS 07):
- Applicants must be authorities in the relevant field with Ph.D degree or Post-graduate Fellowship specialist in the relevant field (for the College of Health Sciences) from any reputable University/Institution with substantial scholarly publications. Applicants must have had at least TEN years University full-time teaching and research experience with ability to initiate and supervise projects. Administrative experience will be an advantage.
- Successful applicants must be able to give academic and professional leadership in the field.
- In addition, the applicant must have spent at least 3 years as Reader and 6 years as Senior Lecturer to qualify for the position of Professor.
Reader (CONUASS 06):
- Same as for 1 above, except that 8 years of University full-time teaching and research experience is required.
- In addition, the applicant must have spent at least 3 years as Senior Lecturer to qualify for the position of Reader.
Deputy University Librarian: CONUASS 06
- M.L.S. and evidence of registration with LRCN. Ph.D in Library Science or related field may be an added advantage.
- At least twelve (12) years of continuous working experience as a Librarian in a University Library three (3) of which must be as Principal Librarian in Readers Services, Technical Services or Institute Library.
Consolidated University Academics Salary Scale (CONUASS)
- CONUASS 06 -N3,779,021 – N15,015,550
- CONUASS 07 -N4,591,149 – N6,030963
Other Conditions
Appointment is normally on probation which may be confirmed after two years of satisfactory service. The post is pensionable.
Application Closing Date
All applications for the University of Ilorin recruitment 2014 must be submitted not later than 13th October, 2014
How to apply for the 2014 UNILORIN Recruitment (Academic Vacancies)
All Applicants should click here to apply online. In addition, candidates for academic positions are required to submit a set of their credentials and thirty-five (35) copies of their online printed application giving the following information in the order listed below:
1.) Full Name:
2.) Post Desired and Department:
3.) Date of Birth:
4.) Place of Birth and State of Origin:
5.) Sex
6.) Nationality:
7.) Permanent Home Address:
8.) Current Postal Address:
9.) Cell Phone Number:
10.) E-mail Address:
11.) Marital Status:
12.) Number of Children with Names and Ages:
13.) Institutions Attended (with dates):
14.) Pure Academic Qualifications (with dates):
15.) Professional Qualifications (with dates):
16.) Scholarship and prizes at University, Secondary or Technical Level only- starting with the latest)
17.) Training Programme Attended (period of training and college, Describe Courses taken starting with the latest).
18.) Honours, Distinction and Membership of learned professional Societies (starting with the latest)
19.) Working Experiences (General and Specific Experiences:
20.) Starting with the latest):
21.) Research interests or Commissioned Projects
- Completed (Starting with latest)
- In progress (list)
23.) List of Publication with Details of Title, Publishers, or journals dates and pages (where applicable)
24.) Major Conferences and workshop attended with paper read (starting with the latest)
25.) Information on Fellowship, Master’s project and Ph.D Thesis Supervised: (To include the following) (starting with the latest):a. Title of Thesis
- Name of student
- Date/year of Commencement
- Completed/Ongoing (Anticipated date of Completion)
- Sole/Collaborative Supervision
26.) Details of Administrative Experiences
27.) Teaching Experiences
28.) Service to the Community (With status and Date)
29.) Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer:
30.) Extra Curricular Activities:
31.) Names and Addresses of Three Referees (two of whom must be professionals or authorities in relevant fields) it is the duty of the candidate to inform the referees to complete the form sent to the email address provided by them.
All printed online applications are to be forwarded to:
The Registrar,
University of Ilorin,
P.M.B 1515, Ilorin,
Kwara State.
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Note: Only short listed candidates will be acknowledged.