UNILAG ISL To Hold Valedictory Service and Graduation Ceremony – 2015/2016
The International School, ISL of the University of Lagos, UNILAG has announced to the general public, friends, families and well-wishers about the 2016 Valedictory Service and Graduation Ceremony coming up. The Management of the Institution have deemed it fit to invite the general public to witness this great occasion.
UNILAG ISL 2016 Valedictory Service And Graduation Ceremony
The 2016 Valedictory Service and Graduation Ceremony for the 2015/2016 academic session has been scheduled to hold on Thursday 21th July, 2016 at the Multipurpose Hall A, Main Campus, Akoka by 1.00 p.m.
Parents and Guardians are expected to be present to rejoice with their ward(s) at such a great occasion which promises to be great event as prominent men and women in the society would grace the event.