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UNILAG Admission Into Newly Approved Courses – Application Process

Here is information on the University of Lagos (UNILAG) Admission Into Newly Approved Courses by the National Universities Commission for the 2013/2014 session.

UNILAG Admission Into Newly Approved Courses

This is to bring to the attention of all prospective candidates for admission, the general public and 2013/2014 UTME candidates in particular, that the National Universities Commission has approved the commencement of the B.A. (Hons.) Chinese Studies programme in the Department of Linguistics African and Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, with effect from the 2013/2014 Academic Year.

Newly Approved UNILAG Courses by NUC

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates who made University of Lagos their first choice for the B.A. (Hons.) Chinese Studies programme. The entry requirement is as stated below:

Faculty Department Programme SSCE Subjects UTME  Subjects Duration
Arts Linguistics African and Asian Studies B.A. (Hons.) Chinese Studies Five O’Level Credit Passes at one sitting to include: English Language, Mathematics, Plus three Arts Subjects English and any three relevant subjects Four Years

How To Apply For 2013/2014 UNILAG Newly Approved Courses

Interested Candidates should apply directly to the University of Lagos by downloading and completing the form (in duplicate) from the University Website: www.unilag.edu.ng. The completed forms with photocopies of candidates’ O ’Level result, UTME and Post UTME result slips should be submitted to the Admissions Office, Room 174, 1st Floor Senate House, University of Lagos on or before  November 30, 2013.

For further information, please call any of the following telephone numbers:  07043278261, 07043278267, 08137391404, 07043278269, 07043278266, 08091748169, 08182716045 or E-mail:admissions@unilag.edu.ng

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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