UNICAL Post UTME Screening Dates, TimeTable 2021/2022
University of Calabar, UNICAL Post UTME screening dates, venues, CBT time and sitting arrangements for 2021/2022 academic session is out. Candidates who have applied can now view/print the UNICAL Post-UTME sitting arrangement online. In a similar development, the dates for the supplementary Post-UTME screening is out. This post will show you how to print and the dates you can start checking your schedule.
All candidates who applied for the 2021/2020 Post-UTME screening exercise of University of Calabar (UNICAL) are hereby informed that the schedule of screening exam, venues and sitting arrangements (timetable) are now available online for downloading and printing.
UNICAL Post-UTME Screening Exercise Timetable
These include the University of Calabar scheduled Post-UTME Screening dates, venue and sitting arrangement slip for the 2021/2021 screening(Timetable).
The aptitude test exercise has been scheduled to take place from 26th January and 27th January 2022.
- Candidates are required to come with their original UTME result slips showing the candidate’s photograph;
- The Post UTME exercise is Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Special candidates with any form of disability should please indicate during registration.
- Impersonation is a serious offence and anyone caught will be handed over to the Law Enforcement Agents and may be liable to up to 5 years imprisonment
- Any candidate who fails to take part in the screening exercise automatically loses his or her chance of being considered for admission.
- Early commencement of registration is advised to avoid congestion in the dying hours.
- Candidates are advised to check the Portal from Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 for their venue and time of the CBT. Candidates are strictly advised to ensure that their correct phone numbers are provided while filling the form online as the University will communicate with them directly.
You can print the University of Calabar post-UTME CBT screening dates/schedule for reference purposes if you like.
We wish you the very best!!!
i will rush and go complete my registration process. what is there cut off mark
i have 140 in my jamp 2014 and i want to do pre-degree programer in UNICAL , HOW AND WHERE WILL I GET THE FORM PLEASE THANKS