Rich People Are Unethical
As a future accountant, you may encounter bank statements that may seem they belong to small countries. New research suggests that these bank account holders are the ones you might want to keep an eye on. The study shows that rich people lie, cheat, and steal far more frequently than people of lower¹ status. In other words – rich people are unethical.
It is suggested that people with large amounts of money may give the wealthy a greater feeling of entitlement causing those people to feel like they can get away with practically anything. Another study shows that rich people also have a difficult time recognizing facial expressions – emphasizing the idea that rich people lack empathy.
What it may come down to is that more money creates more focus on self and less focus on others. This infographic will show you the results of this study and how unethical rich people may be.
Check below to see the infographic: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems!
How Unethical Are The Wealthy?
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