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Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS) Admission Form 2016/17 Out

The Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS) Under the Auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has announced the sale of Admission forms into RECTAS for the 2016/2017 Academic Programmes. Interested members of the public are hereby informed.


The Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS) was established in 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) as an educational “one-stop” solution institution that train highly skilled manpower in the science and technology of geospatial information.

Suitably qualified candidates are invited to apply for admission into the 2016/2017 academic programmes.

Diploma/Degree Qualification Requirement Duration Fees
1. Technologist Diploma (TD) in Geo-information production and management.
(French and English)
Technician Diploma, National Diploma (ND) or equivalent and O’ level credits in English, Maths 18  months $ 4,750.00
2. Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Geo-information Production and Management (Specialization: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geographic Information Systems) (French and English) HND, B.Sc, BA or Higher degree in any discipline (Science, Engineering, Social science,etc..) 12 months $ 3,525.00
3. Professional Masters (PM) in Geo-information Production and Management.      (Specialization: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geographic Information Systems) (French and English) HND, B.Sc, BA or Higher degree in any discipline (Science, Engineering, Social science,etc..) 12  months $3,525.00
4. Masters in Geo-information Technology (MGIT) in collaboration with FUTA (English) B.Sc in science or Engineering fields including O’ level ; credits in English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry 18  months $8,350.00
Masters of Science in Geo-information Science (MGIS) in collaboration with University of Abomey Calavi. (French) B.Sc, BA or Higher degree in related discipline (Science, Engineering,  Social science, Humanities, Education, Health) 18  months $8,350.00

How To Apply

Complete the application form and submit in any of the following two ways:
(A) Online application: Complete the form online at www.eportal.rectas.org as instructed
(B) Download and print out the application form and complete it as instructed.

-Application form ($100.00 or N 18,000)

Begin your application here

-Fellowship – In order to be eligible for RECTAS fellowship, a prospective candidate is required to obtain nomination from his country’s Representative in RECTAS Governing Council. Other fellowship/scholarship is acceptable.
Fellowship covers tuition, accommodation, feeding stipend and other allowances.
-Prospective candidates are encouraged to seek for fellowship or sponsorship from their organisation and development partners because of the limited number of RECTAS’ fellowship.

Application Deadline

The deadline of submission of application is 29th July, 2016. The next academic session starts on 3rd October, 2016.


The Dean of Academics & Research
Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys (RECTAS)
Off Road 1, Obafemi Awolowo University Campus,
P. M. B. 5545, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
Email: oloukoi@rectas.org, doa@rectas.org
Phone: +234(0)8064042198/08116195498


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