PTI Efurrun Post-UTME Screening Dates (Schedule) 2018/2019 Out
The Petroleum Training Institute, PTI Efurrun Post-UTME screening dates (Schedule) for 2018/2019 academic session has been released. Candidates who have applied should take note of their dates, time and venue for the screening exercise.
LATEST UPDATE: PTI Post UTME Result 2018/2019 Is Out | Check
We wish to inform the general public
PTI Efurrun Post-UTME Screening Dates (Schedule) for 2017/2018 Admission Out
All aspiring ND candidates are
Screening Date: Saturday 11th August, 2018
Screening Method (Mode): Aptitude test.
Examination Duration: One (1) Hour
Accreditation starts by 8.00 a.m.
Venue: PTI Main Campus
Subjects Combination to be taken at PTI Effurun Post-UTME Aptitude Test:
* Candidates offering Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Welding and Fabrication Engineering, Mineral and Petroleum Resources Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology will take the following Three (3) subjects (papers) during the examination:
(1) English/Gen. Paper( 2) Mathematics and (3) Physics.
* Candidates offering Petroleum and Natural Gas Processing Engineering, Safety Engineering Tech., and Science Lab. Tech. will take the following three (3) subjects (papers):
(1) English/Gen. Paper (2) Mathematics and (3)Chemistry.
* Candidates offering Petroleum Marketing and Business Studies will take the following three (3) subjects (papers):
(1) English/Gen. Paper (2) Mathematics and (3) Business Study
We wish you the very best!!!