OVH Energy Essay Writing Competition 2nd Edition- 2018
OVH Energy Essay writing competition 2.0 (Second edition) has been announced by the management/organizers and entries are being accepted. All members of the general public, especially interested applicants/participants are hereby informed.
OVH Energy for 2018 invites application from suitably qualified members of the public to participate in the 2018 (2nd) edition of the OVH Energy Essay writing competition. See the full details on the topic and vital details of the competition below.
OVH Energy Essay writing competition 2.0 Details
OVH Energy Essay Writing Competition Theme
Corporate responsibility is core for any 21st century organisation, creating an avenue for firms to positively influence their environment either through socially responsible business processes or actions. A good number of Nigerian organisations have adopted various socially responsible practices in their immediate community and nation as a whole.
In 1000 words or less, suggest innovative social initiatives that can be created and adopted by corporate organizations to encourage and promote impactful social change in Nigeria.
OVH Energy Essay writing competition 2.0 (Second Edition) will reward winner with a total sum of #500,000 (five hundred thousand Naira).
Grading Criteria
40% – Originality, strength and suitability of proposed ideas
20% – In-depth study/ specific reference to the downstream oil and gas sector
15% – Structure and coherence
15% – Use of English, paragraphing/ pacing and punctuation
10% – Adherence to writing terms and conditions
Who Can Participate in OVH Energy Essay writing competition 2.0?
• Participant must be a Nigerian citizen, residing in Nigeria