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Oduduwa University School Fees Schedule – 2020/2021

Oduduwa university have released the school fees schedule for the 2020/2021 academic session. Students and Applicants are advised to look through the schedule for their appropriate school fees amount.

oduduwa university

Oduduwa University Schedule of Fees 2020/2021

Fresh Students:

GROUPS COURSE/PROGRAMME Total School Fees per Semester
A B.Sc Physics, B.Sc Industrial Chemistry, B.Sc Computer Engineering, B.Sc Estate Management, B.sc Quantity Survey #185,000
B B.Sc Public Admin, B.Sc Political Science, B.Sc Architecture, B.Sc Elect Elect, B.Sc Mech Eng, B.Sc Banking & Finance #195,000
C B.Sc Economics, B.Sc Accounting, B.Sc Mass communication, B.Sc Business Admin, B.Sc International Relations, B.Sc Microbiology, B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Biochemistry #245,000
MBA, M.Phil etc
#210,000 (Full-Time)
#350,000 (Part-Time)
#120,000 (Full-Time)
#180,000 (Part-Time)
E Pre- Degree/ Access Degree
Part-Time Degrees


  1. New Students to add #10,000 for books per semester
  2. New Students must pay on a separate teller, a non-refundable acceptance fee of #50,000 and get matriculation numbers.
  3. Log on to www.oduduwauniversity.edu.ng. Click on student portal use your matric number to update your biodata and register your courses etc. { your matric number serves as user name and password}
  4. No more course forms
  5. All stalites to do same as in (3) above
  6. Print your course registration form, attach teller(s) and other documents & take to Bursary Unit, Bursar to attach this to duplicate Receipt
  7. All secretaries to provost are teller confirmers.
  8. Scholarship are available, collect free form from Registrar and get 25%, or 50% or 75% or 100% FREE School fees.

Note 1. Pay all total due to any of these Bank accounts. (except hostel)

  • Zenith Bank A/C – 1012183291
  • GT Bank A/C – 0117709602
  • UBA A/C – 1017690523
  • WEMA Bank A/C – 0122275995

Blue copy teller is to be used as an instrument of payment


  • Hostel Exemption fee must be paid with school fees

Note 3: Exemption from Hostel is #26,000 per semester x2 = #52,000 per session pays with School fees. Hostel is compulsory for fresher.

Note 4: Take Customer copy of teller to teller for confirmation, before you go online, Secretaries to provost confirm teller

Note 5: Canteens are available and food ranges between #100 and #300 per plate (You have a choice) cooking in the hostel is NOT allowed. Per person bring your
Refrigerator, DSTV etc. They are allowed in hostel at #10,000 per semester.

Note 6: Avoid paying through any staff or student, pay directly to bank yourself. If your Parent are paying for you, your name must be written on the teller not parents

Note 7: send e-mail to president@oduduwauniversity.edu.ng if anybody requests for any payment outside the above or Text 08056565656.

Returning Students:

Tuition Hospital Library Total
Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, [Public Administration, Political Science, Banking & Finance, Mathematics, Architecture, Estate Management, Quantity Surveying Departments. #160,000 #8,000 #2,000 #170,000
Physics with Electronics
Computer Engineering
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Microbiology , Biochemistry
Industrial Chemistry
#185,000 #8,000 #2,000 #195,000
Computer Science
Mass Communication
#185,000 #8,000 #2,000 #195,000
Note: A) New Students to Add #10,000 for Books
B) New Students Must Pay on a separate Teller, Acceptance Fees of #50,000 (Non Refundable) and get Matriculation Numbers.
C) Take details to www.oduduwauniversity.edu.ng Click portal, then register.
D) All Stalites to do same as in (C) above.
E) No more Course Forms
F) Print what You get and take to Your HOD or Provost or Registrar or Vice Chancellor or The Executive Assistant to the President (EAP) for approval.
G) HOD or Provost or Registrar etc to take to Bursar. No Student to physically go to Bursar UNLESS INVITED.
H) All Secretaries to Provosts are Teller Confirmers.

Internet facility of #2,500 Compulsory for Staff and Students.

Accommodation A: Hostel Inside OUI @ IOA, Oyetade, Beta Foundation and Maye Halls.

  • Type A – 4 Bedded @ #26,000 per semester
  • Type B – 3 Bedded @ #35,000 per semester
  • Type C – 2 Bedded @ #50,000 per semester
  • Type D – 1 Bedded @ #75,000 per semester

You must PAY per Session (2 Semesters equal to One Session)

Accommodation B: Hostel Outside OUI, School provides Buses @ #50 per trip @ Queen Fatimah, Obalufe and Olusanu Halls etc.

  • Type A – 4 Bedded @ #15,000 per semester
  • Type B – 3 Bedded @ #25,000 per semester
  • Type C – 2 Bedded @ #36,000 per semester
  • Type A – 1 Bedded @ #50,000 per semester

You must PAY per Session ( 2 Semesters equal to One Session)

Note 2A: Pay all Total Due to Bank Accounts as Stated below. (Except Hostel fees)

  • Zenith Bank A/C – 1012183291
  • Wema Bank A/C – 0122275995
  • First Access MicroFinance Bank A/C – 1040100019 inside the University.
  • GTB Bank A/C – 0117709602
  • UBA Bank A/C – 1017690523
  • First Bank A/C – 2014371839

Note 2B: And for Hostel fees, Pay to

  • Hostel Account First Bank A/C – 2014371839
  • Or Wema Bank (same as above)
  • Or First Access MicroFinance Bank A/C – 1040100019 inside the University.

Note 3: Exemption from Hostel is #26,000 per Semester

Note 4: Take Customer’s Copy of Teller to Confirmer for Confirmation, before You do Online Registration (Secretaries to Provosts are Confirmers)

Note 5: Canteens are available and Food ranges between #100 and #300 per plate( You have a choice). Cooking in the Hostel is allowed but with Kerosene Stove. No Cooking Gas and Electric Cooker. Bring your Refrigerator, DSTV etc, they are allowed in the Hostel at #10,000 per Semester.

Note 6: Avoid Paying through any Staff or Student. Pay directly to the Bank. If your Parents are paying for you, your name must be written on the Teller not your Parent’s name

Note 7: Never pay any departmental fee.

Note 8: e-mail:- president@odudwauniversity.edu.ng if anybody requests for any payment.

No Class Rep. to Collect any Money. He/She to be Expelled.

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