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OAU Freshers’ Registration Procedures & Guidelines – 2015/16

OAU freshers’ procedures for registration for the 2015/2016 session has been announced. All newly admitted students of the institution are hereby informed.

Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife (OAU)

OAU Registration Guidelines For New Students 2015/2016

Freshers are expected to pay fees as required by the university. You can find the schedule of all OAU payable fees here.  Candidates who have been offered admission should upload their credentials including Birth Certificate/Sworn Declaration of Age. Each candidate will be required to submit his/her Registration certificate Form as downloaded to the Faculty Secretary. They will also be required to present the print out of the certificate form for further screening on resumption.

OAU Acceptance Fees Payment Procedures For 2015/2016 Freshers

After making necessary payments, follow the guidelines below.

Candidates who made Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife their first choice and took the Obafemi Awolowo University Post UTME are advised to check their names from the list of candidates admitted here and follow the procedures for registration as laid out below.

All OAU Freshers registration and screening are to be done on-line. All freshmen are expected to complete their screening before they come to campus. To register online, freshers need to access the school e-portal.


1. Log on to the University e-portal using your Registration Number and the Password you used last on the portal. Your JAMB registration number is your registration number and your surname is your password (first time users).

2. Complete the following forms correctly on the e-Portal.

(i) CERTIFICATE FORM (for not more than two sittings)

The Course Registration Form will only be available upon:
(a) Successful filling of forms (i) and (ii) above.

(b) Payment of appropriate Charges at the banks.

Please note that 2000 spaces only are available for each of the Special Electives except SER 001 and LIB 001, which are compulsory for all Fresh Students.

Problems, if any, will be addressed on-line using any of the following options:

(i) Online help in the e-portal
(ii) Six Hotlines will be available for contact (the Hot lines will be available on the e-portal)
(iii) E-mail:- isis@oauife.edu.ng can be used as well.


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