NYSC 2022 Batch A Stream II Passing-Out Date | Programme of Events
The management of the National Youth Service Corps has scheduled the Winding Up/Passing Out (POP) activities of the 2022 Batch A Stream II Corps members for February 23, 2023.
NYSC Passing Out (POP) Programme of Events for 2022 Batch ‘A’ Stream II Corps Members
i. Thursday, 9th Tuesday — 14th February, 2023
- Release of Passing-Out Corps members by Employers
- Job Awareness and Creation: Sensitization of Corps Members on Job Creation/Opportunities after service. This will be done at the Local Government level, using relevant officers/NYSC/NDE officers.
ii. Wednesday, 15th – Friday 17th, February, 2023
- Registration/Clearing of Corps members by Local Government Inspectors
- The signing of final clearance by Zonal Inspectors
- Administration of Questionnaire (Form 4 B) on 30% of the passing-out corps members.
iii. Monday, 20th Tuesday, 21st February, 2023
- The signing of final clearance by Zonal Inspectors
- Administration of Questionnaire (Form 4B) on 30% of the passing out corps members.
iv. Wednesday, 22nd February 2023
- The signing of final clearance by Zonal Inspectors
- Distribution of Certificates of National Service to deserving Corps members at the Local Government level.
Please, note that officers from the Planning, Research and Statistics Department will be on the ground to monitor the programme.
Wishing you a very safe and successful exercise from NGscholars.