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Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA) 2015 Application

Application / nomination for the 2015 Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA) has commenced. The Governing Board of the Nigerian National Merit Award is currently soliciting nominations or applications for the award of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) for the 2015 round.

About the Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA)

Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA) is a value driven quasi-academic agency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, It was established by Act 53 of 1979 as amended by Act 96 of 1992 (CAP 122 LFN, 2004). The Mission statement for NNMA reads: Committed to stimulating and rewarding, academic and professional excellence for national development of Nigeria”.

Application Details for Nigerian National Merit Award

The Governing Board of the Nigerian National Merit Award is currently soliciting nominations or applications for the award of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) for the 2015 round. The deadline for nomination is exactly TWO MONTHS from the date of this announcement. Nominations are valid only for the year of nomination. However, candidates who have been previously nominated should state clearly additional work(s) done since they were last nominated or the new grounds for re-consideration of their nomination.

2015 Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA)

The NNOM Award

1.) The Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) is an “Order of Dignity” and distinct from the National Honours. It was instituted to accord proper and due recognition for outstanding intellectual and academic attainments and contributions to the general development of Nigeria. The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is required by law (NNMA Act Section 8) to confer the NNOM Award annually, on the recipient(s), on the first Thursday in the month of December. The objective of the Award is to stimulate and reward excellence in Science, Engineering/Technology, Medicine, Humanities, Arts & Culture and other fields of human endeavour.

2.) A recipient of NNOM Award is entitled to:

  • Use the designation Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) after his/her name
  • Receive a Cash Prize, a certificate, a medal; and
  • Such other privileges as are enjoyed by recipients of high levels of national awards and honours.

Eligibility for the 2015 Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA)

  • The Award is open to all citizens of Nigeria at home and abroad.
  • Any Nigerian citizen of outstanding merit can be nominated by one or more Nigerian citizens. Any person may by himself/herself, where not sponsored by another person, apply to the Board for this purpose. Where two or more Nigerians are collaborating on any deserving undertaking, they can be similarly nominated for a joint Award.


  • Selections will be made from a wide range of contemporary works which are innovative, creative, essentially Nigerian in content and of national and international distinction; such works should emphasize the uniqueness of the achievements to humanity generally and Nigerian society in particular.
  • The achievements may constitute a specific breakthrough in any field or may be of a cumulative nature; and
  • The Award emphasizes distinct merit and upright morality, as this is the highest Merit Award in the Country.
  • Nominators must not make public the names of nominees.
  • In order to preserve and enhance the credibility of the Award, the submissions of the prospective recipients are usually subjected to rigorous assessment by experts, known as Specialized Committee of Assessors in thq following four core areas:
  1. Science
  2. Medicine
  3. Engineering/Technology
  4. Humanities, Arts and Culture and other fields of human endeavour.
  • When and where necessary, External Assessors are usually engaged from the national or international academic community.


  • Successful candidates will be notified about the outcomes of the process between October and November 2015, to be followed by an official public announcement latest two weeks from the date of Investiture.
  • The investiture of NNOM Awardee(s) is personally conducted by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • The Investiture holds back-to-back with the Annual Forum of Laureates of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (incorporating the last Award Winners’ Lecture for the year).

Application Closing Date

All applications/nominations for the 2015 Nigerian National Merit Award must be submitted not later than 24th March, 2015

How To Apply or Make Nominations

  • Nominations shall be made strictly-on the prescribed Nomination/Application format, Sponsors should provide brief information on themselves. Nomination/Application format may either be collected at the NNMA Secretariat or downloaded from the NNMA website: www.nnma.gov.ng The format as advertised is also valid.
  • Only one nomination/ application may be submitted according to the prescribed format
  • In private consultation with the nominee, nomination/application shall be accompanied by:
  1. The curriculum vitae of candidate (s)
  2. A statement, preferably by the candidate, of between 250-500 words, specifying/defining and clearly illustrating in concrete terms, NOT generalities, what the candidate considers his/her unique and meritorious contribution to knowledge in his/her field of endeavor/specialization to merit consideration for the NNOM award.
  3. A list of not more than ten publications cited in the candidate’s curriculum vitae, which he/she considers to buttress his/her claim to uniqueness and merit.
  4. 3 portrait photographs of the candidate.
  • All nominations and supporting documents must reach the Secretary of the Nigerian National Merit Award on or before the stipulated deadline. Any nomination or application including the specified requirements arriving later than this deadline will not be considered.
  • All supporting documents, including the nomination form should be sent in three (3) copies.
  • Candidates with incomplete documents will not be considered.
  • Neither the Governing Board nor any of its Specialized Committee of Assessors will entertain or enter into any correspondence with candidates or their sponsors regarding the processing or fate of any Nomination/Application.
  • The Nomination/Application and supporting documents shall be addressed sealed and delivered to:

The Secretary,
Nigerian National Merit Award,
The Presidency,
Merit House, No.22, Aguiyi Ironsi Street,
3rd Floor, Maltama, Abuja.

Email: nnmaabuja@gmail.com


Name(s) of Candidate(s):

  • Surname:
  • First Name:
  • Middle Name:

2.) Citizenship:

3.) Contacts:

  • Postal Address:
  • Phone:
  • E-mail:

4.) Field of Endeavour:

5.) Basis/Grounds for Nomination:

  • A statement, preferably by the candidate, of between 250-500 words, specifying/defining and clearly illustrating in concrete terms, NOT generalities, what the candidates considers his/her unique and meritorious contribution to knowledge in his/her field of endeavour/specialization to merit consideration for the NNOM award. List below, the statement not more than 10 publications cited in the candidate’s curriculum vitae, which he/she considers to buttress his/her claim to uniqueness and merit.
  • N/B: Use additional papers if necessary.

6.) Nominator:

  • Name & position/Title:
  • Contact Details:
  • Postal address:
  • Phone:
  • E-mail:
  • Signature and Date:

7.) Co-Nominator:

  • Name & position/Title:
  • Contact Details:
  • Postal address:
  • Phone:
  • E-mail:
  • Signature and Date:

8.) Has The Candidate Been Previously Nominated? If Yes, When?

9.) Candidates who have been previously nominated should state new grounds or additional works done since last nomination.

10.) Signature of Nominee/Applicant Date:

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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