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Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition for Students 2015

2015 Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition for Students
(US$60,000 and business development opportunities)

2015 Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition for Students invites business strategic deep thinkers and  global visionary undergraduate, college and polytechnic students around the world to apply for US$60,000 and business development opportunities

The eighth biennial Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition, an event named after Singapore’s first Prime Minister who’s widely recognised as a strategic thinker and a global visionary. Organised specially for undergraduate, college and polytechnic students around the world, the competition
continues to be a platform for entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Participants will be able to showcase their business plans and entrepreneurial talents on a global stage, attract seed funding to further their business ambitions as well as extend their network of friends and business contacts through the Competition.


* Participants stand to win up to US$60,000 in cash, prizes and business development opportunities.

* Overseas finalists will receive 5-night hotel stay in
Singapore for 2 core team members.


The Competition is open to all full-time university undergraduates, college and polytechnic students
(participants who are university undergraduates, college or polytechnic students during the period of 1st January 2015– 20 August 2015 are eligible to participate).

Winners of similar competitions are invited to participate if they meet the requirements above.

Competition Requirements

* Participants are required to submit a business plan for a start-up or early stage venture. Proposals for merger/acquisitions of an existing company,consulting projects or licensing arrangements are not eligible.

* An existing business is only eligible if it has received less
than US$80,000 in funding and has less than US$100,000 in gross revenue as at 31st January 2015 .

* All submitted materials must be the original work of the participating team. A declaration to this effect will need to be submitted along with your proposal (Click here to download declaration form).

Each team is eligible to submit one idea. In the event of multiple submissions by a team the last submission made by the team will be considered for evaluation.


Participants retain all proprietary rights to the business plans. Copies of the business plans will only be circulated for judging purposes, and any hard copies will be returned by the judges to SMU after the judging is completed. All business plans received for the Competition will then be deleted and destroyed. All other requests for the business plans will be directed back to the participants.

Audio and video recordings of the Final Presentations will be made for SMU’s archival and competition’s promotions purposes, and will not be circulated to other parties without prior consent.

A one page summary (to be contributed by the team) of the business plans that reach the Semi-Final will be featured in the souvenir booklet, which will be distributed at the Final, as well as targeted media releases.

The media will be invited to attend the Final Round. Any media requests will be directed back to the teams.

Although the agencies respect the propriety rights of the participants and will endeavour to protect their rights, the organiser will not enter into any non-disclosure statements of agreements with any parties.


Submission Requirements

Submissions for all stages:

To ensure fair and unbiased judging, business plans must NOT contain, anywhere, the names of the students, contact details and the names of their institutions. Should any of these details are to be found in your business plans, your submission will be DISQUALIFIED. We assure all participants that we are able to track efficiently and effectively the progress of all business proposals without errors.

NB:All business plans and presentations are to be in the English language.


Winners of this Competition stand to win the following:

Prize Money

First Prize

Second Prize

Third Prize

Fourth – Sixth Prizes

Most Promising Young Entrepreneur Award

**Most Promising Young Entrepreneur Award**

Apart from the top 6 teams, there will also be an individual Most Promising Entrepreneur Award. This Award recognises outstanding entrepreneurial potential among the finalists. The candidate will show a passion for entrepreneurship that extends beyond the purposes of the Competition. This could include but not be limited to: entrepreneurship education,relevant community or professional associations,involvements with entrepreneurship related programmes, or past track record.The candidate will have inspired peers and their community alike. Finalists are to send in an essay on

“ Why I should be receiving the Most Promising Young Entrepreneur Award”

to lkystaff@smu.edu.sg by 31rd July 2015. The essay should include, but not be limited to the following:-

*Personal Statement
* Referees’ Comments
* Evidence of Entrepreneurial Potential
* Evidence of Entrepreneurial Involvement

Schedule of Event’s

Launch of Competition
Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014

Closing Date for Preliminary Round
Saturday, 31 Jan 2015

Announcement of Semi-Finalists
Monday, 30 Mar 2015

Submission Deadline for Semi-Final Round
Friday, 24 Apr 2015

Announcement of Finalists
Monday, 25 May 2015

Entrepreneurship Study Mission for Finalists
Monday to Thursday, 17-20 Aug 2015

Finals & Awards Presentation Ceremony
Thursday, 20 Aug 2015

NB: All timings indicated are in the Singapore time zone (+0800 GMT). So the earlier the better

Application Deadline: 31 Jan 2015

Complete the submission form here

For more informations and enquires

visit the official website
or e-mail us at lkystaff@smu.edu.sg

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