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LASU Online Admission Screening (B.Sc. & B.A.) with Certificate in Entrepreneurship 2019/2020 [100 Level Only]

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the Lagos State University 2019/2020 Admission Screening Exercise, for candidates seeking admission via UTME (100 level). The ONLINE Screening Exercise is mandatory requirement for admission into the Full Time Degree Programme (B. Sc./B.A.) WITH CERTIFICATE IN ENTERPRENUESHIP of the Lagos State University.

LASU Online Admission Screening (B.Sc. & B.A.) with Certificate in Entrepreneurship


  1. Candidates who have chosen Lagos State University as their First Choice Institution in the 2019 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and have scored a minimum of 190 marks are eligible to participate in the Online Admission Screening Exercise. In addition, candidates must be at least 16 years of age, by 1 st October, 2019.
  2. ALL Pre Degree Studies (PDS) students who have successfully completed their studies and wish to be considered for admission into Lagos State University in the 2019/2020 Academic Session, who must have chosen Lagos State University as their First Choice Institution in the 2019 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and have scored a minimum of 190 moles are eligible to participate in the Online Admission Screening Exercise of the programme.
  3. Candidates of Lagos State Origin, for 100 level who met the requirements in (i) and (ii) above and already have proved their claim; before the Independent Indigeneship Verification Committee (IIVC) set up by the Lagos State University.


Candidates should note that ONLY the accredited courses listed below are available in the SPECIAL PROGRAMME for the 2019/2020 Academic Session. Therefore, candidates can only apply for ANY of the under-listed courses for which they possess relevant requirements for admission.

1.ARTS– English– History & International Studies
2.MANAGEMENT SCIENCES– Accounting– Business Administration– Industrial Relations and Personnel Management– Marketing
4.SCIENCE– Computer Science
5.SOCIAL SCIENCES– Economics– Political Science– Sociology


In addition to the B. Sc. / B. A. Courses listed above, Certificates will be awarded to the following Entrepreneurial Courses of choice:

  1. Access Control Installation and Management
  2. Animal Husbandry (Snail breeding, Grass Cutter breeding)
  3. Awards, Packaging and Screen Printing
  4. Bead making
  5. Block making industry (Vibrated or engine molds/Hand molds
  6. Build, Installation and Repair of Inverter/Solar Panel
  7. Building Drawing
  8. Building Applications in PHP
  9. Cake Baking, Snacks, Sugar Craft (Free Hand Modelling)
  10. CCTV Camera Installation and Management
  11. Certificate in Aquatic food processing
  12. Certificate in Aquatic Product Business
  13. Certificate in Artisanal Fisheries Operation and Management
  14. Certificate in Brood-stock development and Management
  15. Certificate in Environmental management in fisheries and aquaculture
  16. Certificate in Fish Farm Cluster and Terminal Management
  17. Certificate in Fish farm clusters and fish
  18. Certificate in Fish farming business
  19. Certificate in Fish feed manufacturing
  20. Certificate in Fish Fingerling Production, Marketing and Distribution
  21. Certificate in Fish health management
  22. Certificate in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chain
  23. Certificate in Industrial Fisheries Operation And Management
  24. Certificate in Local and International fish business
  25. Certificate in Ornamental fish business
  26. Certificate in Public, private Partnership in fisheries and Aquaculture(PPP)
  27. Certificate in Shrimp and Prawn farming business
  28. Certificate in Water quality analysis and management
  29. Certification of Trade Apprentice
  30. Coconut value chain
  31. Computer & Laptop repairs & Maintenance, Networking Mobile Phone repairs and Maintenance
  32. Concrete Mixer Handling
  33. Courier and logistics Management
  34. Crop Farming
  35. Data Analysis AND Data Processing (Excel & SPSS)
  36. Database Management Essentials
  37. Data Recovery Specialist/Technician
  38. Decoders and Internet Marketing
  39. Digital Forensic Specialist/Technician
  40. Digital Marketing
  41. Distribution Channel & Logistics Management
  42. Drama and Entertainment
  43. Draughtmanship
  44. Entrepreneurship Training In Beekeeping
  45. Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Specialist/Technician
  46. Event Management & Hall Decoration
  47. Event planning and Management
  48. Fiber Optic Cable Installation and Management
  49. Food processing and cake production
  50. Garment Construction, Pattern Drafting, Bridal Designs and Evening Wears
  51. Home Electronics (Domestic appliances) Repairs and management
  52. Hotel Management
  53. Import and Export Processing Entrepreneurship
  54. Interlocking/paving stones for private and commercial premises
  55. Laptop/ Desktop Handset Repairs
  56. Leather works
  57. Make-ups and cosmetics
  58. Packaging and Marketing Entrepreneurship
  59. Photograph/lmage Editing
  60. Photography
  61. POP (Plaster of Paris) for buildings construction
  62. Real Estate Entrepreneurship
  63. Security Operations and Management
  64. Server Technician (Installations and Management)
  65. Soap, Detergent and Toiletries Production
  66. Structured Cabling & Wireless Installation and Management
  67. Tailoring and Fashion Design
  68. Tourism Management
  69. Training and Teaching of Bread Making
  70. Training in Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Tanks Construction
  71. Training In Paint Making (Emulsion/ Texture Coatings) And Allied Products
  72. Training on Borehole Drilling and Water Treatment
  73. Training on Solar Energy System, Design, Installation And Maintenance
  74. Vegetable Production. Maize farming, Cassava farming)
  75. Videography, Finishing School Generally
  76. Water Treatment and Packaging
  77. Website Development
  78. Welding, Metal Works and Fabrication
  79. Writing and Publishing

How To Apply


1. Prospective Candidates will visit https://services.lidc.lasu.edu.ng/admissionscreening/ and click APPLY FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMMES button, you will be prompted to login with your UTME Registration Number and Surname.

2. On logging into the Portal, click on START STREAM2 SCREENING button in the Menu to make the required non-refundable payment of Two Thousand Naira [N2,000] Screening Fee for the 2019/2020 LASU Admission Screening Exercise of the SPECIAL PROGRAMME.

3. On the LASU E-payment portal, complete the textboxes as follow:

  • Current Valid Email: (Your Personal Email Address)
  • Current Valid Phone No: (Your Personal GSM Number)

Then, click on SUBMIT (This will display your full name and amount due to payment)

Then enter your Banks’ ATM Card Number that is activated for Online payment, with the other necessary details (Expiry date, CVV), you will be prompted to supply the OTP as well, then click the MAKE PAYMENT button.

If payment is successful, a success pop-up will be displayed, and you will be automatically re-directed to a page that displays your payment Reference number and the Screening PIN. Then click on the “USE PIN FOR STREAM2 SCREENING” tab within the PIN page, to continue with the Screening, or click on “BACK TO SCREENING PORTAL” to continue Screening later.

Please note that a copy of Transaction Receipt will be sent to the email address supplied on the LASU E-payment portal.



  • After successful payment for LASU 2019/2020 Online Special Programme Admission screening exercise, return to https://services.lidc.lasu.edu.ng/admissionscreening/, login with your JAMB Registration Number AND Surname and CLICK CONTINUE STREAM2 SCREENING button to continue.


  • Candidates who took part in the just concluded STREAM1 UTME Screening exercise would be asked if they would want to use their previously inputted/uploaded Stream1 Biodata AND O’Level results for this STREAM2 Screening exercise.
  • If NO, Candidates will be re-directed to fill their required data for the Screening afresh (move to STEP III) below
  • If YES, Candidates will then be prompted to select a preferred course of study that fits their UTME and O’Level Subject combinations.
  • Once Candidates select a course, a pop-up will be displayed for you to acknowledge the information supplied.
  • Carefully preview all details supplied and CERTIFY that they are correct
  • Check the I CERTIFY BUTTON if you agree with all details as displayed in the Preview.
  • By ticking the Certify button, the Candidate confirms that the screening will be premised ONLY on the supplied information as the screening decision is final. If you do not agree to the stated terms you will not be permitted to go beyond this point.
  • Move to STEP V


  • Carefully fill in your personal details as required
  • Upload passport photograph NOT MORE THAN 20KB (JPEG)
  • Save and proceed
  • Carefully enter your UTME details
  • Scan and Upload UTME result slip NOT MORE THAN 30KB (PDF)
  • Save and proceed
  • Select number of 0′ level sitting(s)
  • Scan and Upload 0′ Level result slip(s) NOT MORE THAN 30KB (PDF)
  • Save and proceed
  • Input required 0′ Level details
  • Save and proceed
  • Candidates must possess Five (5) O’ Level Credits in subjects relevant to their desired course of study at not more than Two (2) sittings.
  • Credit in English Language is compulsory for admission into all courses in Lagos State University.
  • Candidates must ENSURE they upload their O’Level results on JAMB CAPS before the closure of the Admission Screening Exercise
  • Candidates of Lagos State Origin who have proved their claims before the Independent Indigeneship Verification Committee (IIVC) can only proceed after their IIVC codes must have been automatically verified on the screening portal.

Note that any examination taken after July 2019 is not ACCEPTABLE.


  • Carefully preview all details supplied and CERTIFY that they are correct
  • CHECK THE I CERTIFY BUTTON if you agree with all details as displayed in the Preview.
  • By ticking the Certify button, the Candidate confirms that the screening will be premised ONLY on the supplied information as the screening decision is final. If you do not agree to the stated terms you will not be permitted to go beyond this point.
  • Click the continue button


  • After submission, you will be redirected to the Screening Portal
  • Enter your UTME REGISTRATION NUMBER and SURNAME to login, then click “DOWNLOAD STREAM2 REPORT” to generate your STREAM2 SCREENING


  • The Screening of Candidate(s) will be based on Point Grading System, using the UTME Score and SSCE (or equivalent) Grades in Five (5) BEST RELEVANT subjects to Candidate’s Choice of Course
  • The relevant subjects are obtainable from 2019 JAMB brochure available online.
  • Candidates are advised to visit JAMB website to study the O’ Level subject requirements for their Course of choice before participating in the online Admission Screening.

Application Deadline

Candidates should know that both payment and registration/updating would last for Sixteen [16] days, Tuesday, 24th September to Wednesday, 9th October, 2019 (12 midnight). All Online Screening complaints should be channeled to screeningsupport@lasu.edu.ng.

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