Landmark University School Fees Schedule 2015/2016 Out
Landmark University School Fees Schedule for the 2015/2016 academic session has been made available. All new and returning students as well as their parents and guardians are hereby informed.
Check Landmark Admission List 2015/2016 here
The management of Landmark University has released the schedule of fees payable for the 2015/2016 academic session by all students of the university; either returning or newly admitted. The schedule is the official one and has been made available online so that students and sponsors of students can have access to it.
Landmark School fees Schedule 2015/16
Students , sponsors as well as concerned members of the public can download the full schedule for freshers, 200 & 300 level students, 400 level 5-years course students and finalists school fees schedule from the link below:
Students are implored to make prompt payments.