KWASU Post-UTME Result 2016/2017 Is Out
Kwara State University, KWASU Post-UTME result for 2016 is out online on the result-checker – Candidates who took part in the 2016 Post-UTME screening of Kwara State University can now check their results online. The management of the University has published the result; and candidates can now access the result-checking portal to see their score.
This result is for the Post-UTME screening conducted for admission into the University for the 2016/2017 academic session.
How To Check KWASU Post-UTME Result 2016/2017 Online
Follow the steps outlined below to view your result:
- Go to Post-UTME Portal of Kwara State university for 2016/2017 by clicking here.
- Click on Login under Post-UTME Candidates in the Menu
- Provide your Application Number /RegistrationNumber and your Surname (as provided during registration)
- View Your Result
- Click on Print POST-UTME Result Under My Menu to Print out your result
We wish you the very best!!!
kwasu post utme cut-off for 2013/2014 was 40, so for 2014/2015 cut-off should be between 40-45