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Accountant, Creative Art Managers And Business Development Managers Needed At Heartlink Group

The Following Are Needed For Urgent Employment:


Minimum of 4 years experience in creative agency is required
Experience in marketing communications is an advantage.
Proximity to FCT is essential for all applicants.
Applicants could be extroverts, fun loving by nature and must have passion for job


Minimum of 4 years experience in creative agency is required
Experience in marketing communications is an advantage.
Proximity to FCT is essential for all applicants.
Applicants could be extroverts, fun loving by nature and must have passion for job
Applicants must be ready to work under pressure.
Applicants must be computer literate.


Experience in accounting is an added advantage
Experience in marketing communications is an advantage.
Proximity to FCT is essential for all applicants.
Applicants could be extroverts, fun loving by nature and must have passion for job
Applicants must be ready to work under pressure.
Applicants must be computer literate.
Applicants must have basic knowlege of Microsoft office package.

Send detailed profile and CV to info@heartlinkgroup.com or
heartlinkgroup@gmail.com within one week of this advert.

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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