General Certificate Examination Nigeria (GCE) Information
Looking for information about the general certificate examination (GCE) in Nigeria? Then read this post completely. The GCE as it usually called by many people are two based on the bodies that conduct them. There is the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for school private candidates in November/December. This is conducted by the West African Examinations Council – West Africa’s foremost examining board.
The website of WAEC GCE is located at It is the portal for both registration and checking of results.
For the 2013/2014 November/December Examination Timetable/Schedule, Click here!
The other General Certificate Examination that is also common in Nigeria is the one conducted by National Examination Council, NECO. This Senior School Certificate Examination is for External Candidates only. It is also held in November/December period of every year.
The NECO GCE Website is It is where registration as well as checking of examination results are carried out. Candidates who are interested in checking out the Nov/Dec 2013 Timetable should Click Here!
For more information on any of the General Certificate Exams, just click on the respective links to go to the website of the organizing body.
Want to know when G.C.E result will be out
please when will Gce nov/dec result be release? And please waec should release it for people who them is still wait for further use of career pursuit please.
WAEC GCE Result 2013 (Nov/Dec) has been released since. – Click here to check!
I sat and passed the GCE O’level NOV/DEC IN 1987. Since then, i have not collected my original certificate. Can anyone tell me how to go about this. I am living abroad presently.
please I just checked my 2018 GCE result now and all indicated “held”
what do I do?
WAEC has explained the reasons for withheld results, click here.