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FUTO Compulsory Course Revalidation Exercise Has Commenced

1.The ICT Centre downloads the registration status of all undergraduate students as currently uploaded and existing on the Edu-Portal and sends the records to the departments.

2. Every student goes to the department to check and update his or her registration status with the departmental class adviser and other persons the HOD would elect to assist the class advisers in the revalidation exercise.
The course registration update and revalidation is for both current and previous semesters, hence the need for class
advisers to guide the students properly.

3.After confirming with their class advisers, students should use a CD containing a specially designed course registration template in Microsoft Excel (2007 or higher versions) to enter,offline, their validated and updated courses for both current and previous semesters.

The template could be obtained from the departments,the ICT Centre and the University Computer Centre (UCC).

4.While students can update their registration status,offline, using their personallaptops and computers, the staff and computer systems at both ICTC and UCC would be fully utilized to assist the students in the revalidation exercise.

5.Students should submit to the ICTC the CD containing their updated course registration status within a specified deadline. The ICTC compiles the list of students with submitted updated courses and sends same to departments for confirmation before online upload.

6.Once updated records in the submitted CD are confirmed by the department,some staff of ICTC and UCC would handle online update and upload of
previous semester courses, while the student is solely responsible for the online update and upload of the current semester (Harmattan, 2014/2015 session) courses.

7. The CD would be returned back to the students for future use, as it does also serve as an unofficial copy of student’s academic transcript.

Instructions to Students on How to use the Revalidation Template

The CD containing the Revalidation Template has been formatted such that you could modify and save entries on it,offline.
The student should open the Revalidation Template on Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher versions, and proceed as follows:

Step 1: Enter Student’s Name, Reg.No., Dept and Session (Year 1), as appropriate. These four (4) items would display automatically on the Biodata template.

Step 2: Complete the remaining items on the Biodata template, as appropriate, that is,


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY),


State of Origin,

Mode of Entry (UTME or DIRECT ENTRY),

School, Option (if any),

E-mail Address, and Phone Number. Notice that the Biodata Indicator (cell I1) would display YES when all Biodata entries are completed.

Step 3: Enter Course Code of registered courses for YR-1H semester. The course codes should contain no spaces, that is, MTH101 and not MTH 101. The course title and the credit unit would display automatically. If not or in case of inappropriate course title and credit unit, then enter, as appropriate, the correct Course Code, Course Title and Credit Unit beginning from cell F20. This would automatically override the inappropriate or non-available (#N/A) course titles and credit units. The total number of registered units for the semester would display in YR-1H Indicator (cell I2) to guide against under or over
registration of semester credit units.

Step 4: (a) Under Grade, enter the letter “R” for each registered course.

(b) If or when available, replace the letter “R” with Senate- Approved grades of pass (A, B, C, D, E, or F) obtained in each registered course. This would automatically compute the semester transcript as appropriate. Notice that for the present course revalidation exercise, step 4(b) isn’t necessary and required, and any grades supplied by the students wouldn’t be uploaded or used officially. The grades, if and when supplied, would purely be for
individual student’s use and monitoring of his or her academic performance.

Step 5: For subsequent semesters, enter, as appropriate,Session, Course Code, and Grade (letter “R”) for registered courses during the given semester.

Step 6: Save the template on your Desktop and Close the file.

Step 7: Copy the saved template from your Desktop and Paste inside the Revalidation CD.

Then Right – Click the mouse and click on Burn to disc→ Next →Yes

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