FUGASHUA Direct Entry Admission Form – 2016/2017
The Federal University Gashua,FUGASHUA Direct Entry Admission Form has made available the 2016/2017 academic session. The general public and candidates are therefore informed. Candidates who choose the university as a choice of institution should apply for admission and possess National Diploma (ND), with merit and above, IJMBE with six points and above, and NCE with merit and above are eligible to attend the screening exercise.
How To Apply For FUGASHUA Direct Entry Admission 2016/2017
To apply for admission for the 2016/2017 academic session;
1. Candidates should visit the school website at fugashua.edu.ng or simply follow this link.
2. Candidates are to pay a sum of N2,500 only and you are required to print your payment invoice from the University portal.
Application Closing Date 2016/2017
The application closing date for the D.E screening exercise is 15th October, 2016
Screening Date 2016/2017
The physical screening date for the D.E screening exercise is 17th – 18th October, 2016.