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Fed Poly Nekede Admission List 2021/2022 (Confirmed Candidates)

The management of Federal Polytechnic Nekede (NEKEDEPOLY) has published the list of prospective for 2021/2022 session who have been screened successfully. The candidates whose names appear on the list are advised to kindly proceed to pay their school fees.

ALSO SEE: Federal Poly Nekede ND Evening/Weekend Admission List 2021/2022 Out

Federal Poly Nekede Admission List

Follow these simple six (6) steps to pay your school fees:

  1. Go to www.erp.fpno.edu.ng/index.php?register/payschoolfee or click HERE.
  2. Input your application number correctly and click on PROCEED.
  3. Go to http://erp.fpno.edu.ng/ ON THE SAME BROWSER or Click HERE – this will take you directly to your dashboard.
  4. Select the SESSION, SEMESTER, YEAR, PAYMENT TYPE (which is school fees) and click on GENERATE INVOICE.
  5. Please go to any commercial bank in Nigeria with the invoice generated and pay your school fees with The RRR Number written on YOUR GENERATED INVOICE.
  6. Send your Application Number and the RRR number to studentenquiries@fpno.edu.ng

ALSO SEE: How To Accept of Reject Admission Offer Via JAMB CAPS Portal

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Adeniyi Stephen

Odukoya Adeniyi is a Nigerian Poet and Essayist. He is the author of the poetry chapbook, Preserve This Light, published by PoetsInNigeria.

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