Fed.Poly Mubi Certificate & Diploma Programmes Admission Form – 2019/2020
The Federal Polytechnic Mubi has released its Certificate and Diploma programmes admission form for the 2019/2020 academic session. Interested candidates for the programme should apply for admission, as the admission procedure has started.
Admission Requirements For Fed.Poly Mubi Certificate and Diploma Programmes 2019/2020
Here are the requirements for the Mubi Certificate and Diploma programmes admission for the 2019/2020 academic session;
- GCE ‘O’ Level, SSCE, NECO, NABTEB (NBC) or TC II ordinary passes or their equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) of the following: Economics, Commerce, Geography, Business Methods, Principles of Accounts, Agricultural Science/Biology, Government, for those that will opt for National Diploma (ND) in Secretarial Studies, Ordinary passes in Type Writing, Short Hand, English, History and Religious Knowledge.
- GCE ‘O’ Level/SSCE/NABTEB (NTC) ordinary passess or their equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, and any other three (3) subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology or all the three Science subjects depending on the programme in which the applicant will finally enroll; or
- City and Guides/WAEC intermediate certificate with passes in English Language, Mathematics and integrated/ Physical Science (Physics/Chemistry) will be considered for Pre-ND Science and Engineering candidates.
- GCE ‘O’ Level SSCE, NECO, NABTEB (NBC/NTC) or its equivalent with at least a pass in Mathematics and English Language or in relevant Science subjects, or
- Grade II Teachers Certificate with at least 2 merits in mathematics and English language or in relevant science subject or
- SSCE, NBC, NTC, NECO attempted with at least two (2) years cognate working experience.
In addition to (a) or (b) or (c) above,
- Candidate for Advanced Certificate in Building must possess the Federal Polytechnic, Mubi Certificate in Building Technology or Equivalent qualification from recognized sister institution.
- Candidates for the Advance Certificate in Land Surveying, cartography and Photogrammetric must possess the intermediate certificate in land surveying or cartography or photogrametry.
- Candidates for Certificate in Hotel and Catering (ACC) must possess SSCE attempted.
- Candidates for Confidential Secretary III (One year) and II must possess the confidential secretary IV and III Certificates or RSA with 80.35 (WPM) in short hand and Typewriting respectively. Candidates without a pass in mathematics will be considered.
How To Apply 2019/2020
To apply for the the Federal Polytechnic Mubi Pre-ND admission for the 2019/2020 academic session;
Application Fee › Five Thousand Naira Only (N5,000.
- Log on to the Federal Polytechnic Mubi Application Portal via http://fpmportal.net/forms/
- Click on the Start Application Button
- Register and Login
- Select Campus i.e Mubi or Yola Campus
- Select Course form the Drop-down Menu
- Click on the Apply Button to your desired course
- Generate Payment Slip and Proceed to make payment online
- Complete payment and return to portal to complete your application
NOTE: Please kindly note that, payment for this form can only be made using ATM Card through Remita. Also make sure to check your Names and the Amount to pay on the payment slip generated as payment made are Not Refundable. To pay, select your card type and click on the pay now link.
Application Closing Date: 31st October, 2019.
Please address all complaints to FPM through e-mail or phone calls (10:00AM – 4:00PM weekdays only)
+234 (0) 8063618602
+234 (0) 7033065760
+234 (0) 8069240774