FCE Potiskum Matriculates 1,633 Students For 2015/2016 Session
The Federal College of Education Technical(FCE) Potiskum, Yobe State recently matriculated about 1,633 students.
The 27th matriculation ceremony was a joyful one, filled with laughter families and friends, well wishers of the college. The matriculated students are from five schools that include, 213 from School of Business Education, 620 from Science Education, 255 from Education, 206 from Technical Education and 339 from Vocational Education.
FCE Potiskum Matriculates 1,633 Students After 5 years of delay.
The matriculation ceremony had been delayed by five years due to continuous activities of Boko haram insurgents in the state which had claimed countless number of lives both young and old, the educated and non educated and even students of the college as well.
Speaking during the event, Provost of the college, Modu Muhammad who was represented his deputy, Mrs Esther Ojili by urged the new intakes to abide by the institution’s rules and regulations stating that punitive measures would be applied on any student that engaged in social vices which includes cultism or any participation in the insurgency.
The Governor of the state was also commended for a job well done so far at keeping the state at alert for any activity from the insurgent group and thereby urged the students both the marticulants and the returning students to join the fight against the Boko Haram group and keep the state at peace.