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COOU (ANSU) Academic Calendar for 2019/2020 Session

COOU (ANSU) academic calendar for 2019/2020 session released. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (formerly Anambra State University) academic calendar for the first semester and second semester of 2019/2020 academic session has been released.

All students of the university (freshers and returning) are to take note of this development. The COOU calendar contains the schedule of academic activities that will take place in the school for the 2019/2020 academic session.

COOU (ANSU) Academic Calendar

Check COOU (ANSU) Academic Calendar for the 2019/2020 Session


1Wednesday, 2nd  October, 2019Old students return to commence online Registration and lectures for 2019/2020 session
2Thursday, 10th October, 2019Fresh Students return to commence online registration for 2019/2020 session
3Wednesday, 30th October, 2019Senate Meeting


1Monday , 4th  November, 2019Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Annual Memorial Lecture
2Tuesday, 5th November, 2019Late Registration with Penalty begins for old students
3Monday, 18th November, 2019Lectures begin for fresh students
4Wednesday, 27th November ,2019Committee of Deans
5Wednesday, 27th Thursday, 28th and Friday, 29th November, 2019.University Wide Quiz for Old students
6Friday, 29th November, 2019Registration Ends for Old students.


1Tuesday,  10th December ,2019University Congregation Meeting
2Wednesday, 11th December, 2019University Community prayers/ Cult Sensitization Seminar, Uli Campus.
3Thursday, 12th December, 2019University Community prayers/ Cult Sensitization Seminar, Igbariam & Awka Campus.
4Monday, 16th December, 2019Online Registration ends for Fresh students/Late Registration with Penalty begins/ Orientation for Fresh students at the two Campuses.
5Wednesday, 18th December, 2019University wide Christmas service of songs for all Campuses
6Monday, 23rd December, 2019Christmas/ New Year break begins for all staff and students


1Friday, 3rd January,2020Christmas/New year break ends
2Sunday, 5th January, 2020All students return to Campus.
3Monday, 6th January, 2020Lectures commence for all students
4Wednesday, 15th January, 2020Registration ends for New students
5Friday, 17th January, 2020Matriculation Ceremony (Faculty based)
6Monday,20th, Tuesday, 21st, and Wednesday, 22nd January 2020University Wide Quiz for Fresh students
7Wednesday, 29th January, 2020Senate Meeting


1Monday, 3rd February, 2020Revision Week
2Monday, 10th February,2020First Semester Examinations begin
3Thursday, 27th February, 2020First Semester Examinations end, Students commence two(2) weeks break

MARCH 2020

1Friday, 13th March, 2020All students return
2Monday, 16th March, 2020Lectures begin for second semester for Old students
3Monday, 16th March, to Monday 30th March, 2020.First Semester Examinations begins for Fresh students followed by 3 days break
4Friday, 20th & Saturday, 21st MarchConvocation Ceremonies
5Wednesday, 25th March, 2020Senate Meeting

APRIL 2020

1Wednesday, 1st April- Friday, 3rd April,  2020University wide quiz for Old students
2Friday, 3rd April,2020Fresh students resume lectures for second semester
3Monday-Thursday , 6th-9th April, 2020Student Union week at Uli, Igbariam, and Awka Campuses
4Friday, 10th April, 2020Good Friday, Public Holiday
5Monday, 13th April, 2020Easter Monday, Public  Holiday
6Wednesday, 29th April, 2020Senate Meeting

MAY 2020

1Wednesday, May 1st, 2020Workers Day- Public Holidays
2Monday.11th to Wednesday,13th May,2020University Wide Quiz for Fresh students
3Wednesday, 27th May ,2020Senate Meeting

JUNE 2020

1Monday, 1st – Wednesday, 3rd June, 2020University Wide Quiz for Old Students
2Friday 12th June, 2020Democracy Day
3Wednesday, 24th June, 2020Senate Meeting

JULY 2020

1Friday, 3rd July ,2020Lectures end for second semester, 2019/2020 session
2Monday-Friday, 6th  – 10th  July , 2020Revision week
3Monday 13th July, 2020Second semester Examinations  start for all Students
4Monday 27th July, 2020Second semester Examinations end for all students


1Wednesday, 9th September, 2020Special Senate for consideration of Degree Result.


1Friday 2nd October ,2020Old students return and commence online registration for 2020/2021 session
2Friday 9th October, 2020New students return and commence Online registration for 2020/2021 session
3Wednesday, 28th  October, 2020Senate Meeting
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