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How Many JAMB Candidates Chose Your School & Course

If you want to know how many people chose the same school as you during the 2018 JAMB registration, this post is for you. Candidates usually like to know how many candidates chose the sameĀ University/polytechnic/monotechnicĀ in the 2018 JAMB UTME.

You can use the JAMB Post-registration facility to determine how many people chose your institution and course that you chose. This way, you can tell how many people you are competing with for the available slots. This is meant to help you realise how hard to prepare for your UTME and Post-UTME examinations. The next paragraph will show you how to go about checking your school and course statistics.

How to check your chosen institution and course statistics

The steps to follow are quite simple. I must tell you that I have not tried this out on mobile phones, so I cannot guarantee that it will work. Tablets and Smartphones should generally work. Here is how to do it;

  • Go to the JAMB Postregfacility by clicking here
  • On the page, go to the right hand side, below the Re-print your slip section
  • Here you will see a text “You can also >”. Place your cursor on the pointer and some options like in the screenshot below will come out
  • Now click on the “Course statistics for selected institutions” option

jamb statistics for coursesOn the next page that comes up, you will choose the programme i.e. 1st degree, IEI, OND or NCE. Under Institution, scroll to the school that you have chosen and a page will come up.

JAMB UTME/Courses Competitiveness Checking

On this page, you will see a list of all courses of offered by the institution for the next admission year. In front of each are the number of candidates who have chosen the courses. They have been broken down into first, second and third choices. You should note that a low number in front of a course does not mean the course is not competitive. There is a capacity that cannot be exceeded for each course.

For example, if Accounting has 3,123 applicants and the University has capacity to take 3,000 students, it therefore means it is less competitive than a Civil Engineering that has 300 applicants but for which the school can only admit 150.

If you cannot check the stat that you want yourself, you can ask us to help you check by going to the forum section. Just login with your Facebook, Twitter account, then come back and click on this link to make your request.

This is the steps to follow to check theĀ how many people chose the same school as you during the 2018 JAMB registration.

NOTE: Due to recent JAMB upgrade on their website the you can no longer check the information.

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Ahmed Ogundimu

Ahmed Ogundimu is a Web Designer and Developer, Digital Marketing Expert and SEO Manager. I enjoy finding solutions to problems and sharing same, hence the reason for creating www.ngscholars.com and some other websites I own. I work as a web developer at Sigmanox NG and also as the web administrator/editor at NGScholars. Follow me on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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