Akwa Ibom State University School Fees (Tuition & Charges)
The school fees (Tuition and other charges) of Akwa Ibom State University is different for indegenes and non-indigenes. Students who are indigenes of the state pay a sum that is lesser than what non-indigenes of Akwa Ibom State pay. Students of Akwa Ibom state University who are not indigenes of the state pay a “Development Fee” of N20,000 along with their school fees. Indegens do not pay this, so there is N20,000 difference in their school fees. Tuition fees for and sundry charges are the same for all students of Akwa Ibom State University (Indigine and Non-Indigine).
Breakdown of Akwa Ibom State University School Fees
Akwa Ibom indigene = N30,000.00 per session
Non-Indigene = N30,000.00 per session
Akwa Ibom indigene = N22,000.00 per session
Non-Indigene = N22,000.00 per session
Akwa Ibom indigene = Nil
Non-Indigene = N20,000.00 per session