AIFCE Online Course Registration Procedure β 2016/2017
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, AIFCE online course registration procedure for 2016/2017 academic session has been released by the management of the school.
All students of AIFCE can now go online to register for the courses they are offering for the 2016/2017 academic session. The following are the steps to follow to successfully register your courses online.
AIFCE Online Course Registration Procedure β 2016/2017
The Online Course Registration for Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education has started and the process flow below will guide staff and students on the steps required.
- Log into the Alvan PortalΒ
- Click on Course Registration
- Log into the portal with your SPC code and your Password.
- On the left menu panel, click on My Courses.
- If your courses for the semester have been uploaded, you will see them listed. There will be check boxes beside each course. Please click to tick the boxes beside the courses that you want to register. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum credit load shown below the course list.
- If you have any carry-over courses then you must visit the College ICT for that to be inserted for you.
- When all courses have been selected, click on Submit at the bottom of the page.
- You will see the printable page, click Print at the top right corner of the page.
- Take the printed page to your course adviser.
We wish you a successful academic session ahead!!!