AAU Ekpoma New D.E Screening Date 2016/2017
Ambrose Ali University, AAU Ekpoma has fixed a new date for the Direct Entry screening exercise which was earlier scheduled to take place from Tuesday, 2nd August, 2016 to Friday 5th August, 2016 from 9.00am each day, but due to certain logistics has been re-scheduled. Applicants are hereby informed of the change made by the institution.
AAU Ekpoma New Screening Date 2016/2017
A new date for the Direct Entry screening exercise has been scheduled to take place for the 2016/2017 academic session. Applicants are to note the new date for the screening is Thursday 6th and Friday 7th October, 2016.
Candidates are advised to check https://aaue.waeup.org/login for the day, time and the venue of the screening exercise. Candidates who missed the previously scheduled screening exercise should not miss this one.