Is Ibadan Poly Post-UTME Result / Scores Out?
This is for those who want to know if Ibadan Poly post UTME Score is out or not. We have not received any information regarding that, so we cannot categorically tell you now. We cannot always have every information first hand. If you have checked your Poly Ibadan Post-UTME Result, let us know by telling us how to about it here.
So, for people asking if the Post UTME of Ibadan Poly is out, we shall give you the information and how you can go about checking the result. We shall do that here as soon as we get first-hand information on that subject.
Until then, bookmark this post and keep checking back because we are going to inform you here!
We wish you all the best!!!
i want to know if ibadan poly has done post utme for her candidates
Those who apply for HND in polyibadan,when are they going 2 have their CBT?
The ibadan poly admission list 2013/2014 is out to check & get admission call 08090881019. call femi