2015 STEM Scholarship for Women in Management in Germany for International Students
Applications are on-going for the 2015 STEM Scholarship for Women in Management in Germany for International Students. European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) offers partial tuition scholarships for accepted Master’s in Management students who show academic merit.
Scholarships are allocated based on academic excellence, personal and professional achievement, leadership potential, and interpersonal skills. Candidates from the subject area of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are especially encouraged to apply, although scholarships have been awarded to candidates with backgrounds in international relations, finance, and business studies as well.
Scholarship value
The value of each Woman in STEM scholarship is up to € 10,000. Up to four Women in STEM scholarships are available.
Selection criteria: The scholarships will be awarded on academic excellence.
Notification: Successful applicants will be notified for Round 1: April 30, Round 2: June 30 and Round 3: August 31.
Female candidates with outstanding academic excellence and a first degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Candidates should submit a scholarship essay in their ESMT online application explaining how they qualify for this scholarship. Applications from underrepresented countries in the developing world are especially encouraged for this scholarship.
International Students can apply for these scholarships. Applications from underrepresented countries in the developing world are especially encouraged for this scholarship.
Application Procedure and Deadline
To receive a scholarship, candidates first apply to the Master’s in Management program. There is an extra essay available for applicants to explain their suitability for a scholarship. Candidates should submit a scholarship essay in their ESMT online application explaining how they qualify for this scholarship.
Applications from underrepresented countries in the developing world are especially encouraged for this scholarship. The application deadlines are for Round 1: March 31, Round 2:May 31 and Round 3: July 31.
Official Scholarship Website – https://www.esmt.org/degree-programs/masters-management/fees-and-financing/esmt-scholarships-mim-students